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Garden for the Senses

Garden for the Senses

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Discover how to garden to enliven all five senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste - to build a connection with the world around you and bring joy and wonder into the everyday. Find out how simply being outside can help to ground and calm you, and learn what plants to grow to nourish both your mental and physical wellbeing. Ideas on planting and maintaining your garden, which you can put into practice quickly and easily, show how you can improve the sensory enjoyment of your outside space - no matter where you live and no matter what size your plot. Whether you want to fill a space with an uplifting fragrance, create a calming colour scheme, grow richly aromatic herbs, or select trees and shrubs for their soothing sounds, you can turn your plot into a sensory delight as a way to connect to the natural world around you.