Never - An evening with Rick Astley Monday 14th October, Cardiff WMC

Diary of a Brilliant Kid: Top Secret Guide to Awesomeness

Diary of a Brilliant Kid: Top Secret Guide to Awesomeness

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'Diary of a Brilliant Kid' is the 'tweenager's' atlas for navigating life. This interactive collection of stories, quotes, theories and yes, science, guides you through the difficult years between ages 8 and 12 to help you make sense of yourself and the world around you. Everything is changing! And that's okay! It's actually more than okay - it's exciting. These changes are the opening salvo of your gradual transition into 'grownup', and it's the perfect time to define who you are, how you think and how you choose to face the world. Is it a lot? Yes. But this book can help you sort things out and come out the other side shining.