Descending the steps of the plane, I set foot on the Galapagos for the first time - it was to be a moment that defined the path of my life for many years to come. The Galapagos Islands cast a truly global spell; as one of the first ever World Heritage Sites it is impossible to ignore their ecological importance. Monty Halls certainly couldn't ignore them. The Galapagos captured his imagination from his very first visit and their existence would go on to shape his family's future, as well as the future for generations to come. An explorer, TV presenter, author, marine biologist, ex-Royal Marine and now President of the Galapagos Conservation Trust, Monty has made it his mission to help conservation efforts in the Galapagos islands with the help of his dedicated research team - his wife and two young daughters, Molly, aged five and Isla, aged seven.